FSGW Board Minutes Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Meeting Called to Order by Mary Cliff at 8:08 P.M.

Members Present: Liz Milner, Leslie Root, RosieLee C. Salinas, Peter Maier, Jerry Stein, Sue McIver, Roxanne Watts, Janie Meneely, Richard Aigen, Sandy Aubin, Mary Cliff, a quorum is present.

Members Absent: Betsy Platt, Penelope Weinberger

Other Attendees: Leslie Barkley (staff bookkeeper), Dave Casserly (dance report)

Secretary options

Sandy notified the board by email he is unable to take notes adequately for board minutes, which is one of the secretary’s jobs. He is able to fulfill the remaining requirements of the position. He proposed three options for the board's consideration.

  1. Accept his resignation as secretary

  2. Appoint or accept volunteers to take notes each month in his stead

  3. Other options the board may choose.

Peter moved to accept the first option. There was lack of a second

Janie moved to accept the second option - passed.

A discussion compared the value of concise (conventional) minutes with more narrative (FSGW traditional) minutes. Both have merit, but ultimately the minutes should be fairly short.


July minutes were not approved at the August meeting or this one for lack of a printed version.

Sue moved to table approval of the July minutes until we have the printed version at the October meeting – passed.

Peter moved the August minutes be deemed read and approved. Passed.


Treasurer’s Report

Wells Fargo has been sending statements to the wrong people since May. Leslie reports that she believes she resolved the problem and should get the statements in the next week or so. If not she will contact Wells Fargo.

Annual budget meeting: Rescheduling is needed. The proposed date conflicts with the Getaway weekend.

Action Item: Reschedule Annual budget meeting

Program/Concert Report

Discussion: Members expressed concern that the chair has not reported or published any future event schedules except for house concerts. There are publicity opportunities we’re missing, newsletter deadlines, flier distribution (e.g. at Takoma Park).

Action Item: Mary will call Betsy about lack of future even scheduling.

Dance Report: Dave Casserly

Contrastock: 170 tickets sold a week ago, probably ~200 by now. Cap is 400 advance admission sales, goal is 200 via on-line sales. 100 for sale at the door.

FigmentDC: No band has been found yet. A caller may have been.

The shuttle for contra is partially in place. “Meetup” is online, but no drivers have signed up yet.

Membership Report

Statistics over the years continue to be puzzling. Current membership: 1,080 family memberships, 742 individual.

Action item: Ask Dennis Cook to explain the statistic provided by the on-line report generator.

Sandy offered Web Administration support to RosieLee to figure out as much as possible first.

There are 2009 members, including 184 who have no benefits other than the newsletter.

Founding members are not in the database.

Publications Report

The Newsletter deadline will be earlier this month

Action item: A working group will meet to refine the policy for groups who would like sponsorship by FSGW.

Web Administration Report

The use of the term “Web Committee” is ambiguous. It's used most often to refer to the Web Design Steering Committee, formed to provide strategic guidance to the board about the web design project.. It's not a design, technical support, or policy committee.

We need content and tech support to assist program chairs especially following board changes. And we need to separate responsibility for Web (content) Administration, from responsibility for operating the “machinery” of the web site, the job of the webmaster. Dennis Cook, handling both for years, mostly alone, will be moving out of state. FSGW needs to address the need to administer all aspects of our internet presence without Dennis. Liz would like to be involved, since it is publicity related.

Discussion took place about the dual purpose of the website (outreach/PR vs. database) and whether to create a new site for the outreach/PR alone.

Action item: Liz will talk with Roxanne and Sandy to investigate the idea of a new publicity website or blog.

Publicity Report

Cultural Capital - last year we enrolled with a basic membership. We need to pay $500 total for membership and basic plan starting March 13.

Problem. Listings require venue addresses which is not desirable for house concerts and their listing.

Problem: Their event classifications don’t fit our events well. They have Jazz; we need Blues. They have no dance category except “Dance Lessons”.

Action item: Liz will evaluate further before recommending a decision.

Action item: Liz will contact people hosting FSGW related Facebook pages and ask them to put the FSGW logo on the website.

Action item: Other members will advise Liz of FSGW related Facebook pages.

Web Design Steering Committee

No report.

Old Business

Job descriptions – The secretary has updated his.

Action item (continued): Board members to submit updated job descriptions.

Permanent committees are needed to assist program chairs - very few exist, Janie is willing to volunteer

A brief report of the first meeting of the Next generation (AKA “kids series”) was presented. Members offer suggestions of possible venues in DC (the Hamilton, Goethe institute, Pour House, Busboys, Hill Country).

No lists of FSGW equipment have been received

New Business

Sandy moved FSGW co-sponsor Eisteddfod in the Catskills. passed

Action Item: Secretary to establish to-do calendar of recurring action items for the board

There is not one to use as a model. Mary will help Sandy develop the Calendar.

The wisdom of having an election every year was discussed. No consensus.

Concerts and special events are tough jobs and each is the responsibility of a single chair. Should the positions exist in their current form, or be changed?

Action Item: Everyone should look at bylaws to see if changes should be considered.

Traditional sings - Should we sponsor more of these?

Discussion of possible new venues:

Urban Eats in Hyattsville, Cedarville Forest State Park, Betsy O’Malley at Glen Echo, The Royal Mile (Liz can look into this), P. Brennan’s, The Four Courts - in VA. The Old Brogue in Great Falls, Sing Out Jam Out in Crystal City. Janie has Annapolis venue ideas

Folk Idol contest - usually end up being songwriters.

Liz suggested we show some recognition of Life Members: T-shirt or some kind of reward. Roxanne suggested life member profiles in Newsletter or yearly life member luncheon, seats at Glen Echo event. Discussed an annual letter to life members other than solicitation - just to check in, as we currently have no regular contact with lifers.

The board must appoint an FSGW 50th Anniversary committee which should comprise people from different eras and with varied interests, singers, dancers, etc. Roxanne and Liz are interested. Beginning of 50th year is October 2013.

Action Item: Find out who the original members of FSGW are?

Meeting adjourned at 11:00 PM

Respectfully submitted by

Sandy Aubin, Secretary
Folklore Society of Greater Washington